The piece 2015

Schnee in Bethlehem

Once upon a time

These three words were usually at the beginning of grandmother’s stories that we children listened to at bedtime, blissfully drifting off into our dream world. The stories were often repeated, but each time they sounded a little different, enriched with imaginative details from the oral tradition.

The act

This wonderful world of fairy tales, legends, sagas and myths is probably the oldest of all literary forms and goes back deep into our human history. Similar content can be found in completely different cultures on all continents. This seems to arise from our “collective unconscious”, as C.G. Jung tried to explain it. Despite global networking and a standardized translation of the Bible, the Advent story of Mary and Joseph continues to experience different forms of popular piety in the diverse cultures of this world, including in our Alpine regions.

Nostalgic Childhoodmemories

This Salzburg Advent Singing will remind us of past, blissful childhood evenings with a fairytale story. Evenings when grandmothers told us their ancient Advent story, handed down orally from generation to generation. For “once upon a time”, familiar old shepherd’s wisdom showed Mary and Joseph the way to the stable because there was no room for them in the inn and “it happened” that it snowed in Bethlehem that night after a long, long time. Everything froze in the wintry cold. Only a delicate pink hedge blossom heralded new hope, new life….

Schnee in Bethlehem 2015

Picture gallery

The piece 2015



Simone Vierlinger (Sopran)

Bernhard Teufl (Tenor)

Claire Elizabeth Craig

Katrin Auzinger

Alexandra Tichy

Jåggerl: Valentin Nagl (Trompete),
Gundel: Anna Neumayr (Gitarre),
Bleib beim Haus: Thomas Siller (Harmonika)

Salzburger Hirtenkinder

Christl: Carolin Altenberger (Harmonika),
Lena: Nora Gadringer,
Ignaz: Tobias Gadringer (Baßgeige),
Ruaperl: Felix Grabner (Trompete),
Schanti: Martin Grabner (Klarinette),
Greti: Theresa Hochleitner (Hackbrett),
Hans: Richard Hochleitner (Harmonika),
Tobi: Moritz Hruschka (Geige),
Xaver: Felix Leithner (Akkordeon),
Zenzi: Anna Lena Maislinger (Flöte),
Kathi: Marlene Neumayr (Flöte),
Franzi: Sebastian Rindberger (Trommel, Zuwipascher),
Liserl: Magdalena Schneider (Klarinette),
Steffi: Monika Schöne (Klarinette, Flöte),
Peterl: Gregor Schuster (Tenorhorn),
Klara: Sophia Zeilner (Geige)

Production, Care

Markus Helminger, Simon Haitzmann, Caroline Richards, Hildegard Stofferin, Gudrun Köhl-Korbuly


Sopran, Harfe: Michaela Brückner,
Mezzosopran, Geige: Susanne Wiesner,
Alt, Klarinette: Christina Wiesholzer

Alt: Susanne Rindberger,
Tenor, Gitarre: Rupert Rohrmoser,
Bariton: Thomas Schitter,
Bass: Bernd Haslauer

80 Sängerinnen und Sänger; Einstudierung und Chorleitung: Burgi Vötterl


Ltg: Reinhold Schmid (Gitarre);
Johannes Rohrer (Zither),
Kerstin Schmid-Pleschonig/Christina Maurer(Hackbrett), Stephanie Schwarz (Harfe),
Franz Obermair (Kontrabass),
Konstantin Schrempf (Orgelportativ)

Ltg: Maria Dengg (Geige);
Burgi Vötterl (Geige),
Gundl Aggermann (Flöte),
Andrea Brucker (Bratsche,
Timea Laczkò-Tòth (Cello)

Trompete, Flügelhorn, Lg: Horst Hofer,
Trompete, Flügelhorn: Gerhard Gergely,
Trompete, Flügelhorn: Zoran Curovic,
Posaune: Dusan Kranjc,
Posaune: Thomas Höger,
Posaune: Erwin Wendl

Oboe, Englischhorn, Lg: Gottfried Linsinger,
Fagott: Gerti Hollweger,
Klarinette: Anton Gmachl

Thomas Grubinger

Technology, Equipment

Ltg: Hubert Schwaiger; Thomas Hinterberger

Ltg: Edwin Pfanzagl – Cardone; Günther Harner

Joinery Alfred Laserer, Gosau