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The Salzburg Advent Singing Experience at home

Experience the original Salzburg Advent Singing in the Großes Festspielhaus Salzburg – now at home!

That was 2023

Successful production and lots of positive feedback

After a total of 16 performances over three Advent weekends, the curtain fell for the last time this year in the Grosses Festspielhaus on Sunday, December 17. This year, the jubilee Advent song “Fear not!” shed light on the world of life and faith of our Jewish sisters and brothers in connection with our Christian traditions. Hans Köhl, who conceived the basic outline of this work back in 2019, wanted to send a signal against the resurgence of anti-Semitism. At the time, he had no idea how topical the subject matter would be in light of current developments. In any case, these new approaches were particularly well received by the audience.
General Manager Hans Köhl is delighted with the successful production and the exclusively positive feedback from visitors: “A real treat every year during Advent,” praises one corporate client. “The Advent Singing is a fixed date before Christmas for us every year,” write regular customers from Germany, describing this year’s work as “the most beautiful and best performance we have ever seen. The choir, the soloists, the musicians … simply everything was magnificent.” – “Congratulations on this successful production! It was again very touching and artistically valuable,” was the tenor of another regular guest. “Fantastic! I came across it by chance on ORF 2 and can’t stop watching it! I have never seen, or rather experienced, such a fantastic production of the Christmas story with all its participants! Pure goosebumps!”, reports an enthusiastic viewer from Burgenland.

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