The piece 2014
Der Sterngucker
A new version of the Advent Singing
The act
The little companions are grandchildren of his deceased brother. In our dialect, we affectionately refer to this relationship as “G’schwistererkindskinder”. With their spontaneous, childlike questions, the two of them embarrass the stargazer more than once. As the children’s closest friend, the little bear Petzi is of course a must. He symbolically forms a beautiful connection to the starry sky during Advent. During these days, Jupiter and its four moons shine brightly in the sky and the nights are streaked with numerous shooting stars. The peak of the stream of shooting stars is known to be on December 23, when their radiant point lies in the middle of the constellation of the “Little Bear”.

Thoughts on the Salzburg Advent Singing 2024
Hans Köhl, general direction
Der Sterngucker 2014
Picture gallery
The piece 2017
Simone Vierlinger / Eva Schinwald (Sopran)
Bernhard Teufl (Tenor)
Claire Elizabeth Craig
Alf Beinell
Anna Neumayr / Valentin Nagl (Trompete)
Simon Nagl (Dudelsack), Gregor Schuster (Tenorhorn), Lena Siller (Gitarre)
Felix Reinhard Leitner / Hans Köhl
Salzburger Hirtenkinder
Tobias Gadringer (Baßgeige),
Felix Grabner (Trompete),
Martin Grabner (Klarinette),
Theresa Hochleitner (Hackbrett),
Richard Hochleitner (Harmonika),
Moritz Hruschka (Geige),
Felix Leithner (Akkordeon),
Anna Lena Maislinger (Flöte),
Jonas Paar (Harmonika),
Sebastian Rindberger (Zuwipascher),
Monika Schöne (Klarinette, Flöte),
Thomas Siller (Steckerlschlager)
Production, Care
Markus Helminger, Simon Haitzmann, Caroline Richards, Hildegard Stofferin, Gudrun Köhl-Korbuly
Sopran, Harfe: Michaela Oswald;
Mezzosopran, Geige: Susanne Brückner;
Alt, Klarinette: Christina Wiesholzer
Sopran: Susanne Rindberger
Tenor, Gitarre: Rupert Rohrmoser,
Bariton: Thomas Schitter,
Bass: Bernd Haslauer
80 Sängerinnen und Sänger
Einstudierung, Lg: Burgi Vötterl
Gitarre, Lg: Reinhold Schmid;
Zither: Johannes Rohrer;
Hackbrett: Kerstin Schmid-Pleschonig;
Harfe: Stephanie Schwarz;
Kontrabass: Franz Obermair;
Orgelportativ: Barbara Schmelz
Ltg: Maria Dengg (Geige);
Burgi Vötterl (Geige),
Gundl Aggermann (Flöte),
Andrea Brucker (Bratsche,
Lorenzo Meseguer(Cello)
Trompete, Flügelhorn, Lg: Horst Hofer;
Trompete, Flügelhorn: Gerhard Gergely;
Trompete, Flügelhorn: Zoran Curovic;
Posaune: Christian Winter;
Posaune: Thomas Höger;
Posaune: Erwin Wendl
Oboe, Englischhorn, Lg: Gottfried Linsinger;
Fagott: Gerti Hollweger;
Klarinette: Anton Gmachl;
Klarinette, Bassklarinette: Stefan Prommegger
Thomas Grubinger
Die Salzburger Tresterer Schönperchten
Lg: Erwin Laubichler
Technik, Ausstattung
Heinz Ilsanker, Werner Breitenfelder
Edwin Pfanzagl – Cardone,
Günther Harner
Joinery Alfred Laserer, Gosau