The piece 2009


The message

“The longing for harmony between the sexes has accompanied us humans since time immemorial. Subordinated to patriarchal structures and controlled by others for centuries, women have – thank God – gradually been granted their right to equality and equal opportunities in recent times, at least in our part of the world. It is important to us to take up this topic and convey the message in the Salzburg Advent Singing, then Christmas can really become the great festival of love and peace”.

The act

“Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be angry with them. For as the woman comes from the man, the man comes into the world through the woman. But everything, everything comes from God.” These biblical quotations as a prologue were set to music for choir and orchestra by composer Shane Woodborne and form the central message of this year’s new production of the Salzburg Advent Singing.

Nazareth, a small village – at the village well, Mary and her friend Esther fetch water in heavy stone jugs while chatting. A rabbi sits on a stone and watches the women. More and more villagers join them; an engagement is to be celebrated. In animated conversations, they discuss the law and the rule over women; Mary resists and rebels. The Advent, biblical events with Mary (Simone Vierlinger) and Joseph (Bernhard Teufl) take their course.
This year’s scenic-musical reflections include the betrothal, enhanced by the beautiful folk song “Einen Ring hab ich von dir” from Silesia, sung by the Flachgauer Dreiklang, the English Annunciation to Mary, the Magnificat with Mary and Elizabeth, the Annunciation to Joseph with the subsequent reconciliation with Mary and the journey to Bethlehem to the desperate search for a hostel.

At the end of the search for shelter, the Flachgauer Dreiklang and the Salzburg Singers will perform an impressive six-part vocal movement, “Wie lange noch!”. A new composition by Shane Woodborne based on a text by Francis of Assisi. This song reflects the despair and pain of Mary and leads to the redemptive help of the shepherds. The Gloria with the Annunciation of the Nativity becomes a radiant musical and vocal climax.

The Salzburg shepherd children

The Salzburger Hirtenkinder delight the audience once again this year in their carefree and refreshing way in the Salzburger Hirtenspiel. The “Waldhansl” with Pasch becomes the musical highlight of the shepherd children. “Oh Jesu Christ”, a poignant choral movement by composer Shane Woodborne, leads to the epilogue. The old shepherd Simon (Hans Stadler) with the young shepherd Simmerl (Vinzent Santner) and Levi (Charly Rabanser) reflect on the events – thoughts that perhaps make the audience think or even rethink. An inner warmth and joy can be felt at the latest during the joint devotional yodel. A Salzburg Advent carol sing with the message of inexhaustible love and efforts to create a more humane, more human society.

Hans Köhl, general director

Maria 2009

Picture gallery

The piece 2009



Simone Vierlinger (Sopran)

Bernhard Teufl (Tenor)

Magdalena Hinz (Sopran)

Ilse Grießenauer (Sopran)

Christoph Auer

Ulli Fißlthaler

Alfred Kröll

Gerfrid Pichler

Charly Rabanser

Lisi Roider

Hans Stadler

Vinzent Santner

Salzburger Hirtenkinder

Engel Manuel (Harmonika),
Essl Theresia (Gitarre),
Grießner Stefanie (Flöte),
Herbst Thomas (Bassgeige),
Meisnitzer-Astner Dominik (Harmonika),
Moosmüller Christoph (Trompete),
Palfinger-Camacho Gabi (Geige),
Perschl Sebastian (Klarinette),
Perschl Lukas (Pascher),
Pertiller Bernhard (Waldhorn),
Rettensteiner Lena (Hackbrett),
Rettensteiner Andreas (Harmonika),
Schmid Andreas (Harfe),
Schwaiger Lucia (Maultrommel),
Wimmer Simon (Harmonika),
Wimmer Helene (Hackbrett),
Wimmer Tobias (Harmonika)

Rehearsals, Mentoring

Hans Köhl, Gesamtleitung, Caroline Richards (Bühnenregie), Gudrun Köhl-Korbuly, Markus Helminger, Simon Haitzmann, Hildegard Stofferin


Rehearsals, Leading: Burgi Vötterl


Sopran: Anna Bahngruber,
Mezzosopran: Christa Fuchsberger,
Alt: Anna Santner

Tenor: Sebastian Fuchsberger,
Tenor: Hans Köhl,
Bariton: Martin Fuchsberger,
Bass: Josef Fuchsberger


Gitarre: Reinhold Schmid,
Zither: Johannes Rohrer,
Hackbrett: Kerstin Schmid – Pleschonig,
Harfe: Stefanie Geierstanger,
Kontrabass: Max Schmid,
Orgelportativ: Johannes Berger

Flöte: Gundl Aggermann,
Geige: Burgi Vötterl,
Geige: Maria Dengg,
Viola: Andrea Brucker,
Cello: Sebestyan Ludmany

Trompete: Ltg. Horst Hofer,
Trompete: Erik Kern,
Trompete: Zoran Curovic,
Posaune: Dusan Kranjc,
Posaune: Thomas Höger,
Posaune: Erwin Wendl

Oboe: Ltg. Gottfried Linsinger,
Fagott: Gerti Hollweger,
Klarinette: Anton Gmachl

Martin Grubinger

Technology, Equipment

Hinz Ilsanker Werner Breitenfelder

Edwin Pfanzagl-Cardone, Ulrich Katzenberger Günther Harner

Joinery Alfred Laserer, Gosau